Indoor and Outdoor Arenas Abbotshall

Indoor and Outdoor Arenas

When you are looking for a place to host your equestrian events or train your horse, you have a lot of different options to choose from. You can go with an indoor arena, an outdoor arena, or even a combination of the two. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of both indoor and outdoor arenas and help you decide which one is right for your needs.

What is an Indoor Arena?

An indoor arena is a covered structure that is typically made out of wood, metal, or fabric. It can be attached to a barn or other building, or it can be a standalone structure. Indoor arenas are typically used for riding lessons, training sessions, and shows. They can also be used for storage during bad weather conditions.

Benefits of an Indoor Arena:

One of the biggest benefits of an indoor arena is that it protects you from the elements. If it is raining, snowing, or too hot outside, you can still ride in comfort inside your arena. Indoor arenas also protect your horse from the elements and help to keep them clean and dry. Another benefit of an indoor arena is that it can be used year-round.

What is an Outdoor Arena?

An outdoor arena is a fenced area that is typically made out of dirt, sand, or grass. It can be attached to a barn or other building, or it can be a standalone structure. Outdoor arenas are typically used for riding lessons, training sessions, and shows. They can also be used for turnout during good weather conditions.

Benefits of an Outdoor Arena:

One of the biggest benefits of an outdoor arena is that it is typically less expensive than an indoor arena. Another benefit of an outdoor arena is that you can use it when the weather is nice. If you live in an area with mild winters, you may be able to use your outdoor arena year-round.

You also have the option to use a combination of both indoor and outdoor arenas. For example, you could use an indoor arena for riding lessons and training sessions and then use an outdoor arena for shows and turnout. This way, you can take advantage of the benefits of both types of arenas.

No matter what type of arena you need, we have the right one for you. We have a variety of indoor and outdoor arenas that are perfect for any equestrian activity. Contact us today to learn more about our arena options and find the perfect one for your needs.


Our indoor arena can be hired by non-livery clients at a rate of £20 per hour. Our outdoor arena is available to non-livery clients for hire at a rate of £20 per hour.

Our arenas are well-maintained and provide a safe environment for you and your horse. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a tour of our facilities.

There are many benefits to both indoor and outdoor arenas. It is important to consider your needs when deciding which type of arena is right for you. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a tour of our facilities. We have the perfect arena for your needs!